U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has incorporated social compliance as part of its overall trade compliance program. This change is part of an agency-wide effort to combat the growing problem of forced labor.
Under 19 USC §1484, the importer of record is responsible for using reasonable care to enter, classify and determine the value of imported merchandise and to provide any information necessary to enable CBP to properly assess duties and determine if other legal requirements have been met. Since 1993, CBP reasonable care standard had previously only required that importers have: Merchandise Description & Tariff Classification, Valuation, Country of Origin/Marking/Quota and Intellectual Property Rights.
Following the changes to the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 (TFTEA), CBP added to its reasonable care standard for importers the addition that due diligence be exercised governing forced labor. Thus, importers are now tasked with creating and implementing a social compliance program in accordance with CBP guidelines.
Staying abreast of, and understanding, the social and practical effect of the social compliance program is important for all importers in order to ensure their businesses remain lawfully operating. However, navigating this new policy can be difficult and time-consuming.
The “Forced Labor & U.S. Customs New Prevention Strategy” Eventbrite is a webinar hosted by Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq., of Clark-Esposito Law Firm, P.C.—a law firm that specializes in helping streamline the global business operations of importers, exporters and the companies that support them (i.e. customs brokers, freight forwarders, etc.)—that was specifically created to help importers create a policy and adapt their day-to-day business operations to comply with said policy.
Attendees of this webinar will learn:
· the 7 compliance criteria necessary to create a successful social compliance program
· the records needed to document the existence and purpose of the program
· the actions that need to be taken in order to implement the program
· the acceptable methods for compliance monitoring
· the factors that need to be considered in order to develop a social compliance code of conduct
Additionally, all ticket holders will receive a complimentary 30 minute telephone consultation with Deanna Clark-Esposito, Esq.
The “Forced Labor & U.S. Customs New Prevention Strategy” Eventbrite webinar will be offered on June 21, 2019 from 1:15-2:00 PM EST. Please click the link below for more details.
If you have any questions regarding the "Forced Labor & U.S. Customs New Prevention Strategy" Eventbrite, feel free to send me a message using the Contact form on the Home page.