To aid in facilitating efficient processing of import entries the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is encouraging the import community to use the two following tools:
FEI Portal
The Firm Establishment Identifier (FEI) is a FDA system generated number that is used to
identify a firm. The FDA FEI portal allows those in the import community to search for and
verify an entity's FEI. This can be useful in obtaining addresses for entities on the list.
The portal can be found here.
Duns Portal
The FDA DUNS Portal allows the import community to look-up and validate DUNS
number data needed for submission of import entries. The portal includes:
Facility lookup: provides the ability to look-up a facility in the DUN & Bradstreet (D&B) database and obtain the associated DUNS number
Facility validation: provides the ability to validate a DUNS number and the associated business name and address in the D&B database.
The FDA DUNS portal can be found here.
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Photo provided by © User:Niklas Bildhauer / Wikimedia Commons / CC BY-SA 4.0